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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Relationship Breakup - Do Not Be Blindsided

Relationship breakup, what are the signs? Are you worried that your relationship is getting ready to crash and burn? Not sure what signs you should be on the lookout for? No one likes to be blindsided. Being blindsided always results in pain whether physical or emotional. Even if your relationship ends, the pain will be a little less if you can see it coming and brace for impact. There are some signs that all may not be well on the home front, if you keep your eyes open.

The first thing you need to remember is that we are usually pretty good at lying to ourselves. We are remarkably adept at keeping the blinders firmly in place if removing them would be to face certain pain. In the long run though you only do more harm than good by ignoring the inevitable. It's best to see things clearly, if you do you may actually have a chance to change the direction your relationship is taking and prevent the breakup.

Here are some signs that you need to keep an eye out for:

1. If you and your partner used to be joined at the hip but all of a sudden they seem to have a lot of more important things to do, you may be headed for a breakup. Of course, don't be a twit and ignore the fact that they just got a promotion and they're a lot busier at work. If they don't have a reasonable excuse for their sudden absence you may want to sit them down and have a talk with them to try and figure out what is going on.

Make sure that you ask them what the problem is and not accuse them of anything. If you accuse them of something and they are just feeling a little down or overwhelmed you may just give them cause to end the relationship. Be careful to not come off defensively. Stay calm and rational when you talk to them.

2. Does your 'better half' suddenly seem to need a lot of privacy? If their habits change and they become much more private it could be a sign that they are talking to someone and they don't want you to know. If they are suddenly leaving the room to talk on their cell phone, or they are taking their laptop into the other room, you may want to ask them, nicely, what's going on. If they say 'nothing' that might well be your answer since it's obvious that their behavior has changed and if they don't have a good reason why it could be that there isn't a good reason. Again, though, give them the benefit of the doubt. You'd look awfully stupid if you accused them of something when all they were doing was planning a great anniversary trip or surprise birthday party.

3. Sex, do you still have it as often as you once did? Is there a change in who initiates it? If your partner used to always want sex and suddenly they just don't seem interested, it could be a sign that they have found someone else. Of course, it could also be a sign that they're tired, overwhelmed, depressed, etc. Don't jump to conclusions, just ask.

Many times the signs of a relationship break up are pretty easy to spot, as long as you're not so afraid to see them that you ignore them. By spotting them early you've got a much better shot at dealing with whatever the issues are before the actual breakup. You might just be able to save your relationship by keeping your eyes wide open.

Questions Relationship - Here's How to Get Started

If you are dating someone and those around you who questions relationship that you are in, do yourself a big favor and listen. More often than not your best friend, your mother, or sister will see some signs that you know are there, though you may sometimes deny it. No one should be bind themselves to a bad relationship, life is just too short.

I guess when it comes right down to it my first bit of advice would be to stay out of bad relationships in the first place. I know many people reading this would say, 'well I didn't know until I was in love". That may be true, I don't know you or your situation, But I can say that in the case of one of my friends and my sister, who are both in awful relationships that would be a lie.

The truth is that almost always the signs are there very early on. We just choose to ignore them, and usually for the wrong reasons. We usually ignore them because we don't want to be alone or the person looks really hot, etc. For dumb reasons. And before we know it we're in over our heads and feel trapped and unsure of what to do.

The good news is that there are things you can do. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Of course, for the purpose of this article, when I talk about a bad relationship I don't mean an abusive one. I just mean that the two of you aren't compatible and don't get along. If there is abuse going on find help, go to a shelter, go to visit out of town friends, whatever you have to do to get away and be safe.

If, it's not that dire, try to determine (be honest) if the two of you can work on things and make them better. Sometimes the troubles in a relationship are minor and we can easily fix them as long as both parties are willing to try. If you truly think your partner might be willing to give it a try, than by all means give it a try.

2. Sometimes when one partner starts questioning the relationship, and suggesting that the two of you make changes, the other partner will start to get scared and suggest that the two of you take it to the next level. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but it happens. If you start noticing the flaws in your partner or the relationship your partner may start to feel unsure of them self and in order to keep you they might try to lock you in tighter by suggesting that you get married or move in together.

Don't be fooled. If your partner does this it means they are trying to avoid the real issue and they're trying to manipulate you and play on your emotions. Truthfully, if that happens, it should make you question the relationship even more, not less.
If your family or close friend start questions about relationship you're in, than it's time you take heed and listen. They are more often than not, right to be concerned for you.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Definitive Steps to Get Him to Commit

Your boyfriend won't commit what should you do? Many women go through long dating stages that make some of them lose hope in frustration. However, you can get him to commit to you only, and the process is easier than you imagine. It is very important for you to know these measures given the high number of men who seem to enjoy the dating process so much so that they let the stage go on endlessly. Unfortunately, this is something that creates a lot of frustration for many of us, as we naturally would like to see our friendships go to the next level where we walk down the aisle with our guys.

Here are some of the things you can do in order to encourage him and get him to commit. The trick is to make him think of the idea on his own. All you will do is to plant the seed in his mind without making it seem that this is your own idea.

Understand his way of thinking

In order for you to succeed in planting the seed of marriage in your boyfriend's mind, you should first of all have a good understanding of how he thinks. One of the things that men hate is to be pressurized into issues, particularly with women. This means that if you raise the issue of marriage, you will just make your boyfriend become defensive. He will resist your advances quite strongly, and if this goes on for some time, the resultant friction will erode your relationship.

Think about yourself

If your boyfriend won't commit, you should not focus on him but on yourself. Make your own independent plans that he is not a part of at all. Men are hardly attracted to women who are always dependent on them. Hence you need to demonstrate your independence and you will be more appealing to your boyfriend.

If you keep talking about your hopes of the future, you will just be doing what he expects of you. It is when you stop any such talks that you will arrest his attention, and he will be interested in taking your friendship to the next level.

Watch your attitude

The way you behave matters a lot if you would like to get him to commit and consider asking for your hand in marriage. Nothing that you do is too insignificant to count in influencing your guy in one way or the other. For instance, if you are too dramatic through an excessive show of emotions, the man is not likely to consider marrying you.

You should be a fairly simple and happy individual if you want to win the favor of your man. Of course, you should not go to the extreme opposite and stop showing your feelings in any way. Control is the key. This will make you earn his respect and admiration. In a nutshell, if your company makes the man uncomfortable in some way, you should not expect to win his heart.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Signs That A Guy's Interest in You

There are signs and indicators that you can determine whether if a guy shows interest in you or not. Among these signs, 3 stand out. When you know how to discern it, you will know how things stand, then you can act accordingly.

One of the important indicators is the way he will throw glances towards you. If you find that a guy seems to look at you every now and then, it is hardly coincidental. This clearly shows that he has romantic interest in you. You will thus be able to react as per your own feelings and intents. So, if you are also drawn towards the guy, this is a good opportunity to make yourself available for a date. Of course, you should not rush into this process before you are really certain that he is attracted to you. Here is a good indicator that will help you to come to a better conclusion.

This has to do with the guy's body language. This will help you to read some messages that he passes across even without realizing it.

In addition to the frequent glances already mentioned, here are other things that will also show a guy's romantic interest. He will try to attract your attention in every conceivable way, including some that may appear rather childish. He may blush when your eyes lock, or when you get closer. He will also try to close the gap between you as he enjoys your company. These additional indicators will reveal that the guy is strongly attracted towards you.

No one really enjoys being lonely, and if you know that a guy likes you, you will have quite a good feeling. In order to avoid making wrong conclusions, you should also take note of the manner in which he talks with you.

It is important to read the signs well in order to differentiate between genuine concern and mere flirting. Once you have determined this fact, you should focus on yourself in turn.

Are you also interested in the guy? If you are not truly interested in him, it will hardly make any difference whether he likes you or not.

In case you also like the guy, you should naturally give him room to make his advances. On the other hand, if you are not interested, then it is wicked to encourage him. In such a case, you should find a good way of stopping his efforts without dampening his spirits either.

In a nutshell, here are the things that will help you to determine whether a guy is interested in you. Check the way he throws furtive glances at you. Does he try to attract your attention? How does he talk with you? What do other aspects of his body language tell you?

You should have a discerning eyes and ears in order to detect the signs. React according if you're interested to be invited for a date.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

How to Make Him Commit - Get Your Two-Timer for Yourself

How many men have you come across who probably dated you at one time and then suddenly vanished just to be found dating other women? The possible answer is 'many'. It is a hurtful process for any woman to realize that she was taken for a ride and then left for another better or worse ride. Is there a way to make him commit to you?

Women, as emotional as they are, would want to stick to the idea that something is still left in the relationship. The good times you two had make you want to believe that there still exists a special bond between the two of you.

If given a chance, you will probably still want to be with him. You just want to make sure that this time it is a longer and a deeper relationship. Even though you might be ready to go to any extent to be with him, there are a few things you should never forget.

Differentiate Between Relationships Commitment and Attraction

There is a lot of difference between just being attracted to a person and wanting to commit to him. You have to ask yourself if your man is ready to be involved emotionally. Evaluate your relationship with him. Maybe you are reading too much into his actions; may be you are overestimating your own feelings.

Pay attention to his actions. Is he giving out signals of disinterest and boredom? Think about it rationally… why is he dating another woman if he is truly committed to you? Dating another woman is a crystal clear indication that, at the present moment, he is not committed to you completely. You can try giving him some time but make sure that you are not wasting your own time in the process.

There are some men in this world who run away at the first sign of the word 'commitment'. For them, their 'freedom' is the only thing they want. Trying to make such men commit to you is a foolish effort on your part. Make sure that the guy you are trying to woo doesn't belong to this category.

Men are most clearly aware that they can't keep a woman with them for long unless they commit. In spite of this, they refuse to give their word. In fact, some men will purposely give up to their woman by letting her believe that something will come of the relationship (even though they have no intentions of doing so). This should prompt any self-respecting woman to back out or to take stern measures.

Women in such a situation should never get into self-loathing and pity. Rather they should start loving themselves even more by discovering their qualities and virtues. Ask yourself who you are, what your needs are and how far you are willing to go in a relationship.

Don’t think of how to get him to commit but instead let your man be busy in his affairs. This is a golden time for you to indulge in yourself and loving yourself to the hilt.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Simple Way of Hooking Your Man of Choice

Many of us would like to find a great guy with whom we may have a stable and long lasting relationship. If this is your desire, how do you achieve it? It is not something that can only be in your imagination as there are actually a number of things you can do to ensure that you get the man of your choice, not just for now but also in the future.

First of all, you should understand that there are a lot of things involved in getting the man of your dreams now and forever. However, you will find the most basic ones in this article that will help you to put your best foot forward. You must be prepared to work hard in order to achieve your goal, and it may be necessary to spend some money in learning the appropriate steps. Do not let this put you off when you consider the value of your love.

(a) Capture his attention

You need to take measures that will make the man you are after notice you without making it obvious. This is one of the simplest yet most important measures, for you do expect to succeed when he takes no notice of you.

Find a discrete way of separating yourself from your friends so that he can approach you in private. As you do this, ensure that you move towards him to lessen the gap between you. This will give him the opportunity to notice you individually and make his approach. When he comes to you, respond with a smile as you look into his eyes sweetly. You are not in a staring contest.

(b) Give him the chance to chase after you

When he makes his approach, you should not seize the opportunity and be all over him. Men love hunting, so let him have the chance to exercise his masculinity by chasing after you. Show your interest without appearing too eager for him. Watch against going to the extreme and giving the impression that you're impossible to catch.

(c) Let him wait

We live in a world where people are used to quick fixes. However, this is not the way to go when you would like to establish a stable and life-long relationship. You should not take things too fast, or accept all his advances. There are some things that had better wait until you take the nuptial vows.

If he truly loves you, this will just make him value you more.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Can I Make Him Love Me Again - Avoid These 4 Things

Can I make him love me again? This simple question is asked by multiple girlfriends and wives as they realize that their love might be lost. As more and more couples go through issues, more and more question whether or not the love is still in their relationship.

If you are questioning the love your husband or boyfriend has for you, you need to make sure that you understand the issues that they have with your relationship. When you understand these issues, you can work on repairing your relationship and winning back the love of your boyfriend.

If you are trying to win someone back, you want to make sure that you are approaching the situation correctly. There are certain actions that you are going to want to avoid. If you fail to avoid these actions, you may wind up harming your chances of winning back his heart.

Avoid the Norm

If you want to make your boyfriend or husband fall back in love with you it is important to switch things up. By trying new things or approaching things with a new attitude, you breathe a breath of fresh air into your relationship. This new and different feel to the relationship may be enough for him to consider love again.

Avoid Confrontation

If you think that your boyfriend or husband does not love you anymore, you should avoid confrontation. Arguments will simply make your position worse, as he will feel less inclined to fall back in love with you.

Avoid You

It can be easy to think about how the changes in your relationship are affecting your own thoughts and feelings. With that being said, you need to avoid making the entire situation about you. Make the situation about him to let him know that you are thinking of his needs and not of your own needs.

Don't Avoid the Topic

The worst thing that you can do when trying to make your boyfriend or husband fall in love with you again is to avoid the topic. If you know that there are problems in your relationship, you need to confront them. Avoiding the topic will simply put off the inevitable; you need to discuss your issues if you want to have any chance of getting back into his heart.

While people tend to think of the things that they need to do in order to win back the heart of their man, they fail to think about the things that they shouldn't do. More often than not, the things that you don't do will speak louder than the things that you actually do. If you are asking yourself, "can I make him love me again", you need to avoid these four things. By doing so, you are giving your relationship a second chance.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Make Your Guy Long to Call You

There seems to be an apathy between men and phones that puzzle many of us. How can you make your guy long to call you? This is something that is likely to bother you a lot, especially considering that we usually enjoy getting in touch with the men in our lives.

Many men seem to be on the complete opposite of the situation. They do not appear to enjoy using the phone at all. However, do not pull yourself apart in case you find yourself with such a guy. There are some simple measures that will help you to spark his interest and he will long to call you.

Stop calling for a few days

You need to check your own actions to help you determine the real cause behind his failure of calling. Perhaps he does not see any reason why he should do so since you are already doing it anyway. When your guy is content in the knowledge that you will contact him, he will just sit back and wait for your call. Hence it is important for you to determine whether you are the one making your guy not long to call you. If you have been calling him often, do this test.

Stop calling for a few days. When you stop calling a guy, he will long to call you instead in order to find out what's happening.

Stop your accusations

Unless you are interested in driving that guy away, you should not get used to pointing an accusing finger at him whenever he calls. If you appear too demanding and dramatic, your guy will simply avoid you. As much as you would like to lash out at him for neglecting you, don't do it when he finally calls. Otherwise he will let you make the calls, which he may direct to his voicemail.

When he stops calling

There are instances when the guy often called regularly only to seem to lose interest. When you get the opportunity to spend time together, study how he reacts. In case he is interested, his lack of calling may be his way of gauging your reactions. Interestingly, your apparent lack of notice of the situation will just make him long to call you.

If you would like to make your guy long to call you, show your independence and give him his own space too.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

9 Things Women Should Never Tell a Man

There are a number of things that you should never tell a man if you would like to have a good dating relationship with him. Let us take a look at them so that you can avoid them.

1. Being the first to say "I love you." You may say this as a way of making him say that he loves you too, but you should not try to push him to say something he is not yet prepared for. You will remain in an awkward position when he does not do it.

2. If he promised to call but didn't, don't confront him and ask why he didn't call. You will be basically accusing him of not caring for you, and it is more likely that you will make him turn defensive.

3. When you go out on a date, do not press him to tell you when you should expect to see him once more. If he is really interested, he will get in touch. On the other hand, if he has no interest, then you should not keep your life on hold for him.

4. In case he does not keep his promise to see you, you should not ask him where he had been. The hidden question is really whether he was out with another girl, which will just show your fear and insecurity.

5. In case he had gone out with another woman, you will simply put both of you in an uncomfortable position when you ask him whether he went to bed with her. Even if he did, he is not doing it now.

6. Whether you have just started going out with a guy or you have dated for some time, do not press him with the question as to where your relationship is going. If the relationship is promising, you will simply know this from his actions.

7. If you have something you would like to discuss with him, bring it up casually at an appropriate time. When you tell him that you would like to have a talk, he will automatically become defensive as he does not expect the conversation to be enjoyable. You just need to choose your time well.

8. However much he has hurt you, going around stating how you have him won't solve the issue. In fact, when you maintain your cool even during a breakup, you will win his admiration. But throwing temper tantrums will only push him further away from you.

9. In case you suspect that he has been up to no good, telling him that you don't trust him won't make him change. Instead, he will just get more careful, and you won't be able to get the much needed evidence.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who Is Worse Between the Three Exes?

In today’s relationships you have the ex girlfriend, boyfriend, fiancé, husband, and wife. Which is worse? That is what I am going to discuss in this article is which one of these means worse in society. 50 years ago breaking up with your girlfriend is the same as it is today. Nobody really cares except for a few people. 50 years ago you could call off the wedding and it would be ok kind of like today, of course more hearts would be broken. 50 years ago, if you were to get a divorce you got it from every angle, now days it is as common as two ninth graders going their separate ways.

Trying to get an ex back depending on what kind of ex is different too. If it is an ex girlfriend then it is somewhat common for ex boyfriend and girlfriend to get back together. Not so much for a couple that has been engaged and then called it off. It has been done before for a couple that was married to get divorced and then get re-married or just get back together. This will happen if there are kids involved.

How do you go about getting an ex back if you were married? Does the same question apply? How do you get your ex back? Well yeah, I am sure that it does not say anything about a wife. Let’s see it again, how do you get your ex back? Nope there is no certain ex there at all. In fact that could be an ex job that they would want to get back, we will not go there though.

So to get an ex-wife back do you have to do anything different? Is there a certain waiting period that is common knowledge that we need to know about? I don’t see any difference in any of the three except for the seriousness of the relationship and what would be at stake. Can you imagine losing everything in a divorce? It happens to lot of people unfortunately. It makes them wonder, how do I get my ex back? Just to be able to get there stuff back into their own possession.

So let’s answer the question of “which is worse between the exes?” is it the ex girlfriend and boyfriend, the ex fiancé, or the ex wife and husband.

I am going to go with the ex wife and husband, there is a vowel and most of the time it is one of the two that mess it up for the both of them. It is also a contract of love that is being broken; it is a mockery of the bible. I am not judging either; I am divorced just so you know.

So how do you go about getting your ex wife back/ well you just have to tell her how you feel and that you want her back. If she loves you then you will have no problem getting her back, and if she does not love you then you will have to accept that for what it is.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to Get Your Ex Love Back with No Contact

There's rules to be follow like a game to getting your ex boyfriend back. Why? Like a game, follow some rules in order to win your boyfriend back. Communication is one key to the game and you don't cross over into too much communication. To get your ex back, you are going to need to be available. Yet, you also play the part you have moved on with your life. The trick is to play that part just right.

Try to take about a month of 'no contact rule' with your ex boyfriend. It is advisable. Keep in mind that while you’re thinking about him and wondering what he’s doing, it’s likely he’s thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing. If you’re constantly in his face, he’ll already know…or at least think he does.

This technique works because what it forces him to do is realize he has to live with the decision of cutting you out of his life. He might just come to see what a mistake that was. She’ll see what she has to deal with when it comes to not having you a part of her life anymore and he’ll realize he wants you in his life again. That means he’s likely to call you back and suggest to you about reconciliation.

No contact is ideal, but not everyone has such an opportunity during a break up. However, just because you have to be in your ex’s life, doesn’t mean you have to be a dominant part of it. You can still step aside and let him live the single life he wants for a bit.

Don’t let your boyfriend take advantage of you. He might try to convince you that you should stick around as “just friends”. That’s just going to make it harder for you to deal with the fact you’re still doing things for him and he’s not doing anything for you. You’re the only one losing in this sort of relationship.

Don't remain too much in his life, he’s not going to learn anything. He’ll think that he can take advantage of you. In fact, you’re actually giving him a reward for hurting you. If she wants things from you… let him know that commitment comes first.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Get Your Ex Lover Back - Proven Tactics That Works

I’m sure that if you’ve experienced a painful breakup, the last thing you can imagine yourself doing is putting your ex out of your mind and out of your life. After all, the only reason you’re hurting so badly is because you miss him and you want to be with your ex lover - even though he is the one who dumped you first.

But I’m afraid, if you want any prospect of a second chance and if you want him to respect you, it’s something you’re going to have to face up to doing. Cut him loose, break off all contact and the chances are… he’ll be so shocked by your sudden total absence from his life that he’ll think again about what he really wants.

What it will do for you is this: there’s an almost overwhelming temptation at a time of crisis like this to abandon our cautious, rational ways and act on reflex and instinct. This is almost always a bad thing. Speaking or acting without judgment is likely to make any situation worse. Don’t follow your heart because your heart is in a mess right now. Let your head take the reins and keep you out of trouble.

So while you’re looking after yourself and rebuilding your confidence, he’ll be faced with consequences of his actions. It’s often said that you should be careful what you wish for in case you get it. He’ll soon start to see that he might have made a mistake, whereas, if you don’t give him the enforced space to learn that he might never see he’s done anything wrong.

Here one good proven tactics to get your ex lover back if you stay cool and distant in those early days, there’s a good chance he’ll eventually be ready to take you back into the relationship but on your terms. So keep your nerve, it will be worth it in the end. When you’re back together as a couple, you’ll have renewed respect and redoubled strength.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Make it Through Your Breakup Pain by Dating Again

As frightening a prospect as it is to enter the dating scene again. You might be thinking that you’re not ready or that you’re just not interested because all you want is to have your ex back. Going on at least a few dates will do wonders.

A breakup will make you feel horrible about yourself is normal. You’re likely going to feel undesirable and alone. Often things are said during that last fight that will make you question a lot about yourself and your ability to trust another person again. That is why you need to look at yourself in the mirror again with the help of some positive feedback from someone.

So yes, you’re expected to go and have a rebound relationship. There doesn’t have to be anything serious from seeing someone new. You’re actually prepping yourself for a better chance and meeting someone better who loves you. More tips here at

Monday, May 24, 2010

Get Past a Bad Breakup - Two Mistakes People Make In Future Relationships

The breaking up of any relationship is never easy to cope up with. It is especially painful if the man in the relationship initiated the breakup. Women who have just gone through a bad relationship are often left in a state of emotional deadlock. They need a good amount of time to get over their confused state of emotions and affairs. Taking time for recovery is always a healthy process, but what may not necessarily be beneficial, is the way a woman chooses to undergo the recovery process.

The first thing a woman recovering from a break-up will do is to start probe about “what went wrong”. This is nothing unusual except that most of these women focus too much on the “wrong part” and start ignoring some other important aspects.

If you are facing any such situation, the questions that will dominate your thoughts are, “Where did I go wrong?”, “How could I have made it better?” and many other similar queries. The end result is that you carry this thought process to the next relationship.

Carrying remnants of the past to the future is never a good idea. You end up committing certain mistakes just because you continue carrying the burden of the past. Two such mistakes that you are likely to make are:

First, you often try to get a man with qualities that are similar or even identical to that of your former partner. What you are actually trying to do is to live the previous relationship anew. This is done in an attempt to rectify the 'mistakes' you may have committed. However, it never works because you have yet to come to terms with the past.

Second, you try to mend a broken heart by hanging out with a guy who has none of the qualities of the ex-boyfriend. This is done with a belief that you won't be facing similar problems in this relationship because the man has totally different qualities. This is not a good approach either since you may not face the same problems as in the past. It does not ensure that other problems will not occur.

What then is a good way to overcome a bad relationship? The answer does not lie in the type of man but in the way you mentally overcome a broken heart. Rather than focusing on all the 'wrongs' of the relationship-gone sour, think about the positives and all the memories that made your relationship worthwhile. Initially, this will be difficult but with time, you will learn to adjust and accept that 'those were good times but they exist no longer'.

The idea is to concentrate on the positives. Whatever you focus on is bound to grow. So why not focus on the positives and let them grow in your life? With some time, patience, your positive thoughts and confidence, you’ll eventually carry yourself to next relationship instead of the negativity.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Getting A Lover Back - Tips For Doing It Right

Getting a lover back can be a tricky proposition. Come on too strong and you'll scare them off for good, or they'll consider you a backup plan and take their time having fun and trying to see what other options they may have, all the while you'll be writhing in pain as they date one person after another. Or, come across as indifferent and they'll be convinced the two of you are over and they'll find someone else. Either way, you're screwed. The good news is that there is a happy medium, a way to let your ex know that you still care and may be interested in a reconciliation without giving the impression that you'll be sitting around waiting for them to make up their mind.

If you don't want to seem pathetic, it's important that you cut out all contact with your ex. Don't call, text, email, or just show up at their home or work. Just leave them alone. This is imperative if you don't want them to think of you as a sure thing, waiting on the sidelines. And don't worry about them forgetting about you, if you follow this advice, they'll more than likely hear a lot about what you're doing from mutual friends.

The next thing for you to do is give up any dumb ideas of making them jealous. Sure, it may work, they may get jealous but that doesn't mean that that jealously will make them want you back and even if it did they'd only be getting back together with you for the wrong reasons and the relationship probably wouldn't work anyway.

What you should be doing is living your life to the fullest no matter how hard that may seem right now. Go out with your friends, have fun. Do all the things you like to do but didn't have the chance to do when you and your ex were together. Take this time to make yourself a better person, whatever that means to you.

Maybe you've been meaning to take a trip, what are you waiting for? Go, explore. This will help you in many ways: for one thing it will keep your thoughts occupied with other things besides pain. Another benefit is that if you send a lot of postcards home to friends, your ex will hear about all the fun, interesting things you are doing. That will intrigue them. And lastly, you will expand yourself as a person. All new experiences help us to grow. Every time we try something new and different, especially those things that scare us a little bit, make us better more well rounded and interesting people. And that will help you in all aspects of your life, not just in getting your ex back.

Concentrating on living your life and trying to be happy is the best way of getting a lover back. It may sound odd, but everyone is attracted to interesting, fun loving people. No one is attracted to someone who seems needy and desperate. Which one would you rather be?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Taking A Peek Into Her Inner World - What Does A Woman Feel About Dating

There are different views on dating for men and women. Many of them think of their perfect partner as something completely different from what someone else would. This is not unusual because all people are different. There are no two people that think exactly the same and this is true with relationships as well.

There have been many studies done to try and figure out what a woman wants in a man and the other way around. This is not exact science and there are many things to consider when thinking about it. It really boils down to the person and what they want to have in a relationship with a partner. Do they want to have a serious relationship that will turn into marriage down the road? Is this just a fling that will fade after a while? These are all things that people will ask themselves when they are in a relationship of any kind.

Many women think they know what they want and instead they go after something completely different. This is not uncommon and it is usually the way that a woman truly figures out what they want and need in a man. Every man has a different personality and there are certain women that only want a certain "quality" of man.

1) What they want for their love life

Women want different things when it comes to their love life and the man of their dreams. It is no lie that every woman wants to have a sensitive man that will fulfill all of her needs both physically and emotionally as well.

However, it is also true that a great sex life is one of the most important keys to a great relationship. There are some women that have broken it off with a man because of the sex and either lack of it or for lack of satisfaction.

Most women think of their man in many different ways when it comes to the lover personality that they have. Many women want their guy to have a bad boy sense about him. This will excite the woman and get their love life off to a heated start. Adventure is a great factor to have in any relationship for sex and romance. He should be a seducer but not slimy. Dirty talk is fine to a point but there is no need to be vulgar. Most women want someone to move them both physically and emotionally and add some energy and even some complexity to the relationship.

2) What women want in dating?

Most women want to have the perfect date. This can include anything from an energetic night out on the town to a romantic dinner for two at home. Most importantly woman want to be treated with respect and dignity.

No woman or man for that matter wants to be treated like a possession. They may want to be pampered and spoiled a little but they do not want to be treated like a child or made to feel incompetent. This is a very important thing to many women and will not want the guy to do too much for them and at the same time they will want him to show courtesy and use their gentleman skills. They just want to have a regular guy that will love them for who they are and not want anything buy love in return.

There are some women that just want to find a great guy that will treat her good and spend the rest of her life with him, while there are others that will go the distance to find someone that is successful and provides them with a good life. They are going to want the passion and the great kisses as well as guy that will go to the ends of the earth for them no matter what they ask.

3) What a woman should say on a date

Many times a woman will feel a little shy or embarrassed on a first date. They will not know what to say or how to act with a guy. When this is the case, they may seem a little stuck up or not interested. It is important to make sure that you are acting like yourself and let your true personality shine through.

Never act fake on a date. You do not want to be someone that you are not. Make sure that you ask the questions that you want to know so that you are getting to know the guy better. This will help you understand if you want to continue the relationship or if you are wasting your time. Do not be afraid to let yourself go and find out what you came there to do.

You should never get too attached in the first few dates. You will want to make sure that you are not letting your guard down to quickly. You are not expected to fall in love over night and you do not want to scare the guy off with those three little words that make most men run away screaming, I LOVE YOU! These are the words that can end a relationship before it even begins.

4) Keep your independence

It is important to stay true to yourself and keep your self-regard. You will want to make sure that you are having fun but do not get too close to the point that you are letting your emotions take over your brain. You need to stay focused and remember what you want and go after it. Be true to yourself and make sure that you are keeping your independence and your self-respect.

Finding a man should not mean sacrificing your independence your own life dreams and goals. Remember to have fun and keep an open mind and you will find the perfect man to spend the rest of your days with.

Finally, YOU can stop getting the man or woman you desire the hard way! Learn the secret keys to HIS or HER heart and mind, and discover how you can find and attract your perfect date and life companion the easy way at

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Simple Ways to Make Him Fall in Love with You-

Are you single and ready to find the man of your dreams? Do you want him to fall in love with you and never leave you? Firstly, it is important that you know that there are many things you will have to learn if you want to make the man of your dreams fall in love with you. It takes a lot of effort to maintain a relationship that lasts.

Regardless, here are a few tips on how to make a man fall in love with you.

1. Getting his attention – Getting a man’s attention is the easiest but the most important part if you know what you are doing. Don’t always mingle with your friends, instead move closer to where he is, and make eye contact while smiling. This should attract his attention and he should come forward and start a conversation with you.

2. Flirt with him but hard to get - Now when we talk about playing hard to get this does not mean impossible to get. Make sure he knows you are interested, but do not make it so easy that you are dating him instantly. This will not build up any suspense or give him the chance to chase you.

3. Make him wait - Now, this is probably the hardest part for women to understand, but if you really want a man to fall in love with you and stay around forever, then you have to make him wait. How long should you make him wait? Ideally until marriage, but if that is out of the question you should at bare minimum make him wait 3 months.

These are very much just the basics to get you started towards getting the man of your dreams.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4 Signs That Tells You He Wants You Back

You finally got over your breakup with your boyfriend thanks to your friends and your newfound hobbies. But for some reasons, you keep seeing him frequently, and your friends tell you they saw him here and there. You start wondering if he wants you back but you are not absolutely sure.

It is quite easy to know if your ex-boyfriend wants you back. There are 4 simple signs that show he wants you back.

1. He calls you and sends you text messages very often

Calling and sending text messages is one way your ex is trying to tell you that he hasn’t forget about you. Some of the messages might seem to be nonsensical like the weather or how his day has been; the point is that he wants to let you know that he still thinks about you.

2. He seems uncomfortable and awkward when talking with you

He might still have feelings for you even after the breakup – shown by displaying some uneasiness when talking with you or avoiding eye contact. These are sure signs that he still loves you and is unable to let go.

3. He has not started dating yet

Perhaps it has been several months since you broke up and he hasn’t found a new girl. Your friends keep telling you that he woos and pursues girls who are similar to you in characteristics and traits. In this case, it is very obvious he wants to get back with you.

4. He frequently visits your old romantic spots or hangouts

You may have avoided the places you used to go as lovers because it reminds you of good old memories. Yet, if you pass by some of your old romantic spots, you see him there by himself. Or you frequently spot him at your favorite hangouts like a mall – this shows that he hopes to see you there by chance.

When you see these four signs that he wants you back, ask yourself if you still have feelings for him? And if you do, why don’t you call him back and make up with him again? Perhaps your ‘new’ relationship with him would be stronger than ever!

3 Tips Women Should Know When Trying To Keep or Get a Man

Have you ever wondered what happened? Why doesn’t he call anymore? Where did you go wrong? How to keep a man interested? In your case he's pulling away from you for some reasons.. What is it that makes people believe that they their ideal relationship is falling to pieces? Are you wondering if the problem was you? Have you considered it might be you?

Men are not very brilliant by nature when it comes to women and relationships. They do things that make women scratch their heads and wonder: “What was he thinking?” Men do what they feel and think is best for them. If they feel they are not living up to your standards, there first thought isn’t: “I’ll change myself to meet her standards.” His first thought is: “She’s stressing me out – I’m out of here.” Here are three tips to keep in mind.

Tip 1 – Don’t Be a Mother

The first thing you need to remember is not to mother your man. He has a mother and you can never take her place. You can introduce him to the finer things in life but you can’t make him like them.

Tip 2 – Don’t Be One of the Guys

Don’t be one of the boys with your man. He has guy friends that fill that space in his life. They’ll be able to fill the void

Tip 3 – Be His Significant Other

To keep a man interested you have to be his woman. Accept him as he is; be impulsive, sensual and have fun with him in a fashion he can’t get from his buddies. Physical attraction will get a man to want you but emotional support will keep him with you.

Take some focus off him and place it on you. Take pride in your appearance, both physically and emotionally. Self-confidence is a major attraction for men. Don’t become so self involved that you take your eye off the prize. Pay attention to what traits attract him and focus. Portray the woman that adores him but can completely do without him.

Men always want what they can’t have. Be that fun, sexy, elusive girl that he can’t spend enough time with. If you want a commitment, don’t nag him about it. Have you ever heard of a man that was happily married to a nag? Turn yourself into the woman he wants to make a commitment to.

How to keep a man interested not actually pushes him away. It’s important to remember that you will suffocate him if you are needy and clingy. You certainly don’t want to be on the receiving end of: “I need a break”.

Stop trying to change him and accept him for who he is. Be that amazing woman he wants to be a better person for and he’ll change himself. Let him breathe the fresh air that is you. In time, you will realize that he’s chasing you and the only thing you had to do is be the best person you can be. For more tips, please visit

Monday, April 26, 2010

Finding Your True Love - The 5 Essential Keys To Discovering The Love Of Your Life

We all want to have the fairy tale. This would include finding the one person that we can spend the rest of our life with and live happily ever after. It is possible to find someone that we love and care about and not have to move mountains to do it. You can discover the love of your life and have the perfect ending that you have always dreamed about.

Love starts from inside you and then it will grow out to others. We all want to find that one person that we can extend our love to and have a happy life with. It is not always easy to do this, but we have to remain confident that we will find someone to make our life better and to make it well worth the sacrifices that we make on a daily basis for him or her.

1) Attitude may need adjusted

If you are looking hard for that one person that is your destiny and you are having no luck, you may have re-examine your own outlook on life. How are you acting towards other people? Does your attitude need adjusted? Are you making a good appearance on those that you meet or are you scaring them away?

You have to sit down and think about how you treat others and if it is acceptable. If you are not so sure, you may need to figure out a plan to change the way that you act towards others.

2) Do you believe that you are lovable?

When you are looking for the person to spend your life with, you will want to have someone that can love you for who you are. The main thing that you need to know is if you are happy with who you are and what you are? You need to understand that you are a person that deserves to be loved.

There are many circumstances that occur during one's life and it may lead them to believe that they cannot be loved. However this is not true. You deserve to find the one true love that will be there for you no matter what. You have to know in your heart that you are special and that it will happen for you.

3) Do you deserve to be loved?

This is another question that most struggle with. Everyone deserves to be happy and to find true love. It would be a sad world without the one major emotion that can tie people together forever. This emotion is of course love. We have to have it and everyone needs to recognize the fact that the deserve it and have to want it in their life.

When you are ready to face the fact that you deserve to be happy, you can then go out on your quest to find a partner that will make your life what it should be. You can then think about being happy forever and having the love of your life.

4) Change the negative to positive

Humans need to know that they have to find a way to be happy. They have to accept the fact that being negative is only going to make things worse. When you are serious about discovering the love of your life, you need to sit back and think about the positive things that they have brought to your life.

You have to think about how happy you are and what you are feeling right now. Once you have these feelings inside you, there is nothing that can stop your love from taking over. You can find the person that makes the negative go away and brings the good and positive feelings back where they belong.

5) Take charge of your life

Being in control of your own life is the most important step in discovering a love. You have to be ready to take on the things that can happen and accept them. You need to know when you have to be stronger and move on. Your gut feelings are something that is going to be there no matter what and you should use this as a method of support to help you find your way to being loved and having the best love ever.

Before you find your prince, you have to be ready and willing to receive him into your life. You need to discover the person for who they are and want them to be something special to you. Take charge of yourself and give off the best positive attitude that you can and you will see that you are valuable to someone else and that you can have the fairy tale that you have been waiting for.

You can save your relationship and get your ex back with my amazing strategy, no matter how stubborn the resistance, no matter how difficult your relationship is! Download free special report and read rave reviews from thousands of satisfied readers all over the world!

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

How to Win Your Boyfriend from The Other Woman

Winning your cheating boyfriend back from the other woman he's seeing seems like an impossible task to you. You've done all those crazy things like tried talking to him, mopping and crying and confronting the other woman and even spying on him.

You can win him back and come back to you again even if the situation may seem hopeless right now. One thing for sure, you must be careful try not to make any more mistakes like acting crazy and mopping and fighting.

Ask yourself honestly, is it worth to get back your cheating boyfriend? Must you put your complete life on hold with a man who don't deserve you? You know that there is no point making any more mistakes and here are some reminders that you should avoid doing things like:

- texting and call your man
- act needy and desperate
- mopping like crazy
- long emails or texting
- spying on him

You must understanding that doing these will not win back his heart or make him want to come back to you. Instead you'll only pull him further away from you.

It is important that you apply a proven plan or system to win your boyfriend back. To be a smart woman you should find out what you can do now to salvage your relationship.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Four Things You Can Do When He Doesn’t Call

Every relationship in this world requires a lot of understanding. At the initial stages of a relationship, both the girl and boy are on the phone; it would seem day and night. However, as time passes, the boy starts calling less and less. This gives the girl a feeling that she is not wanted and her boyfriend doesn’t care for her anymore. When you are in madly in love with someone, it really becomes very frustrating when your boyfriend doesn’t call or return calls. A negative response from your partner can lead to feelings of rejection and disappointment. If he doesn’t call, doing these few things will get him to call you.

Be Calm – A woman has the habit of panicking when her boyfriend doesn’t call. She may make assumptions that he is no longer interested in her and has got himself a new girlfriend. There is no need for sulking. There can be dozens of reasons he doesn’t call; some of which the most common is his being busy with his work. So stay calm and stop thinking negatively.

Don’t Bombard Him with Phone Calls and Voice Messages – It’s a very common observation that men don’t call their girlfriends just to see their reaction. Many women in such a situation will lose their cool and start calling their boyfriends desperately, leaving voice messages for him to call back as soon as possible. This makes a man feel that his girlfriend is frantic and needy for his love and affection. She would never let him enjoy his own space. This will give a negative impression of you and he would try to come out of such a relationship.

Don’t Open Completely – If your boyfriend comes to know that you’ll never leave him, come what may, then he will try to take advantage and feel it’s fine to not call back. He may even try to ignore you and your calls. It is advised not to show your feelings completely; if a man realizes that you are there, no matter how much time passes, he might not call you.

Enjoy The Time – The best thing to do when your boyfriend doesn’t call is to stop worrying and waiting. Rather, enjoy the time. Go out with friends and don’t call him. This will make him wonder as to what happened. He will start becoming inquisitive. When he calls, don’t answers him right away… rather make him wait. Make him leave messages and when you finally talk, just tell him that you have been busy.

If your boyfriend doesn’t call, these things will make him realize that you haven’t been in touch and he will definitely call back.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Important Advice If You Are Waiting For Him to Call

Let's go straight to the point: if you are sitting around in wait for your guy to call, you are damaging your relationship. As women, we are very likely to do this when we are in love with men. It is something that many of us have had to grapple with at some point in our lives.

When the man in your life promises to call you, you may risk putting your life on hold as you wait for his call. Given that men do not seem good at using the phone, your waiting may seem to go on endlessly as the promised time passes. As the minutes turn to hours without receiving the expected call, your frustration is bound to build up, so much so that you may see that the best course of action is to call him and ask what could be wrong. This is the mistake that many women make.

If the man promised to call you at a given time and the promised period passes, you should not spend your time by the phone still waiting for him to call. It is said, and rightly so, that time is money. Well, it is actually more than money. And you will not be able to recover the time you have wasted.

Spend your time wisely

Instead of wasting hours by phone waiting for that one call, you should make good use of the time by doing something productive. If you do not have anything to do, then go out with your friends. You won't waste time brooding around, which will just make you more frustrated.

If the man calls several hours after the promised time and you answer the phone immediately, you will give the impression that your whole life hangs around him. While he may be quite important to you, this signal will just create more damage to your relationship. It is not exactly that he will take you as too cheap and hence lose interest. Rather, he may see this to mean that the battle is over, that he does not have to chase after you. In this comfort, your boyfriend will hardly have any motivation to call.

Give him something to hunt for

Men like chasing things by nature. If he sees that you are already deeply involved with him, why he wont call because he sees no reason to call. However, if you send the message that there are other important things in your life, you will spark off his interest to chase after you. As he starts to pursue you with renewed zeal, he will not take calling you for granted.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Make Your Guy Call You Back

Should I Call Him? One of the things that concern many of us is how to make a guy call back. This is something that bothers many women as they would like to speak with their guys frequently yet the men seem less enthusiastic about making calls. Perhaps you are in such a situation. What should you do so that he can get used to picking up the phone?

There are number of methods that you may apply in order to encourage him to call. The most effective methods are the ones that show him through your actions rather than simply stating your need verbally. When you apply the right approach, you will succeed in making him get used to calling you every now and then.

Don't tell him - show him instead

When your guy fails to call and this develops into a habit, you will be so frustrated that you may feel like picking the phone and letting him have a piece of your mind. Unfortunately, this method is not as reasonable as it may appear. First of all, when you do this, you will give him a good opportunity to manipulate you. He can deliberately avoid calling you because he expects you to confront him with the matter.

A better way of going about the issue is to keep your silence. Do not call him. However, this is something that is not as easy as it sounds. You will need to muster a great deal of determination to counter the urge of calling. Instead of being controlled, you will actually be the one in control. The problem is that we are wont to do a lot of worrying that will greatly influence us to call.

For example, you may be so worried that you may call just to confirm that his phone has not been stolen. Don't do this. Resolve not to call and stick to your decision.

If some time goes by without hearing from you, your guy or boyfriend will be curious to know what could be happening. If he is truly interested, he will pick up the phone and call.

Guys love to hunt, and when you challenge him to it through your actions, he will come after you. This will influence him to keep calling you. For tips? go here:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why Don't The Men Like Calling?

One of the things that may greatly bother you in your dating relationship is why your boyfriend does not call you. If you have ever been with a man who seems not to know how to use the phone, then you understand how frustrating the situation can be. How do you extricate yourself out of such a predicament? Shouldn't you just call him up and tell him a piece of your mind? You can do this, but you should not. Things will simply get out of hand. There are better methods that you should use.

Many counselors will tell you that in any healthy relationship, there should be open communication between both parties. You may therefore decide to be forthright with your boyfriend about his lack of calling. In many cases, doing this does not yield any positive results, at least not as you would expect. Given that men usually communicate differently, your boyfriend may just be surprised that you are so worked up about such a 'little issue'. Of course, this will infuriate you even more.

You are the reason

This is something that may take you by surprise but it is true. There are high chances that you are the reason why your boyfriend wont call. This may be due to a number of factors.

In case you have been used to calling your boyfriend, then that's exactly why he is not calling. Why should he call yet you will call anyway? I know that this may not seem very reasonable to you, but that is how men tend to look at the issue.

If this has been the case, then you will need to take the initiative and break the chain. Stop calling him. This may appear to be harsh but it is what will get you out of the situation. Be determined not to call no matter how great an urge you will feel to do it.

When he does not hear from you for some time, he will be concerned as to what may be taking place. Unless he does not mind losing you to another man, he will call you, and keep it up.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dating Tips for Women - Avoid Past Relationship Mistakes

So many women have experienced so many bad men that they have shut down their minds to the possibility that there still are some good men out there. Men are like apples; you got to go through the barrel and throw out the bad ones to find the good ones. Better yet, get out of the barrel everyone has gone through and find a tree that bears fresh fruit.

When you keep getting into bad relationships that fail, ultimately you begin to blame yourself. You begin to doubt your ability to attract handsome, intelligent well-rounded men. Don’t allow your negative experiences with men to engulf your thoughts with negativity.

Have you ever known someone that was so negative that it was a chore to be around them? Negative energy is exhausting; it literally sucks the life from you.

If you’ve had more bad relationships than good ones, you may be thinking that having a relationship is not worth the effort.

These negative thoughts translate into your actions and words. It’s time to change your mindset and maybe some of your ways.

All the bad relationship experiences from your past must be released before you can start fresh. The worst thing you can do is to start a new relationship with old baggage. Every woman has had at least one bad experience in her past. Smart women learn lessons from their failed relationships and avoid making the same mistakes twice. Women who judge new men on the merits of previous men haven’t learned anything from their past and will almost certainly make the same mistakes over and over again.

Stop punishing yourself for failed relationships. Everyone experiences them. How else would you recognize a good relationship, if you’ve never experienced a bad one? Stay positive with your thoughts, actions and words. Your positive attitude will be reflected and admired by those around you.

Bitter fruit bears bitter juice. Let the bitter thoughts go and embrace the positive sides of your experiences. Instead of focusing on what went wrong in your past relationships, remember what was right and be grateful for the experience.

Dating tips for women

Your positive attitude and actions are a natural attraction to the right types of men. Positive energy tends to attract positive energy. If you keep meeting the same types of men, consider changing your dating venue. It may be time to seek out new places in your life that will bring new men to your life. Remember if you don’t change anything in your life, your life will always be the same.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Make a Non Committal Guy Get Serious

If you have ever been in a relationship with a guy, it may not surprise you to hear that a high number of men seem very non committal when it comes to taking relationships to the next level. This is something that many women rather challenging to tackle.

As a result, many women go through their relationships with lots of frustrations as they wonder how they can get out of the rut. However, you should not let this happen to you in case you find that your guy meets this description. Instead of resigning yourself to the situation, you can take measures that will help the guy to crave for a deeper commitment.

You can actually take quite an active role in taking your stalling relationship to the next level through a number of subtle steps. If you would like to succeed in this effort, you should not mention anything to do with serious commitment. You need to watch both what you say and do. It is not subtle to avoid asking him when he considers marrying you but talk about the things you would enjoy in a marriage. Just do not talk about such a serious commitment. In addition, do not leave things around that will bring the thought of marriage in mind.

Trying to sweet-talk the guy into making a serious commitment will do the opposite, as he will try to defend himself. Although some men will clearly state their lack of interest in having a serious relationship, others will simply avoid the issue. In either case, trying to 'talk sense' into your guy will strengthen his resistance.

Handling a non committal guy

Let the guy notice your new stance without mentioning it either. He will realize that you no longer mention anything about marriage, and he will be curious as to the reason of your change of attitude. When the man notices that you are not as interested in him as you used to be, he will take measures that will help in winning more of your affection. He will thus take the relationship seriously. When he realizes that you are not under his grasp, his ego will be deflated.

Men are typically hunters by nature, and when you give your guy something to chase, he will come after you. If the guy is interested in you, he will not want to lose you.

Instead of being with him all the time, go out with your girlfriends. In case you have been used to calling him, stop it. When he misses your calls, he will take the initiative to call instead. Take things a step further by letting some of his calls go unanswered. Show the guy that you have an independent life that does not include him.

A guy who truly cares will not take it lightly if he faces the risk of losing you.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Things You Need To Know About Calling Your Man

Things sometimes work out in a strange way in life. While it may seem very logical to call the man you love and have a chat with him, this may not necessarily be the right thing to do. However, this does not mean that there is nothing you can do if you would like to get more time with him.

There are a number of guidelines that will help you to handle the issue of phone calls more appropriately. This article is aimed at giving you some important highlights.

When he leaves you a message

Your man may call when you were away. When you receive his message, it is only fair of you to return his call. Let him know that you appreciate his effort and then let him take it from there. Don't go ahead and ask him for another date. On the other hand, if you would not like to encourage the relationship, thank him for his generosity but make it plain - in a polite way - that you don't want to give him a false lead.

Thank him in person

When you go out on a great date, you should not wait until the following day to call and thank him. Do this before you part.

Although we live in a world of gender equality, there are still some rules you need to play along with if you want a strong relationship. One of them is letting the man do the calling. Men by nature love chasing things but don't appreciate being chased after. And making frequent phone calls will make you appear to be doing just that. When you let him do the chasing, you will manage to catch him!

In any organized place, there are rules that ensure things run smoothly. You should not expect any less in a dating relationship.

Understand him

You should understand that there are inherent differences between men and women. This will help you to see things from his perspective.

Should I call him?

You should keep yourself busy instead of just waiting for him to call now that you know that you shouldn't do it. You will be in a better mood when he finally calls. And he will call - unless he wants to end the relationship.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How to Encourage and Make Him Call You

There are a number of possible complications that you may face when you are dating a man you are interested in. The dating process requires a delicate balance, where you will appear neither too eager nor too withdrawn. This is particularly when it comes to phone calls between you.

Some of the issues you will need to handle well so as to spice up your relationship is when you should wait for him to call, when it is all right for you to call, and how you should make your call when it is appropriate. There are some unspoken rules that will help you to have a more fulfilling relationship with the man you love.

When should you do the calling?

One of the main causes of confusion is when it is appropriate for you to call the man. As many of us will agree, the men do not seem to like making calls as frequently as we would like. In order to cover the gap, many of us resort to calling the men instead as the waiting may be quite frustrating. If you do not take the initiative and he does not call, how will you ever communicate? Actually, that is not the best way to solve the problem.

Take action - do nothing!

Picking up the phone to call your man is more likely to just get you deeper into the quicksand you have gotten into. The action that you need to take is to do nothing. Do not call him. When you keep on calling him, he will in turn keep on waiting for you to call. You therefore need to break this cycle by not calling.

If the man knows that you will call when he doesn't, he will simply wait for you to call. After some time passes without hearing from you as he expects, he will get curious and will call. This is really the best method of making him call you.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Effective Tips on How You Should Call Him Up

If you would like to make a success of your relationship, then one of the important things is to know how and when 'should I call him'. The phone plays quite a significant role in building - or breaking - a relationship. It is not just a tool of communication.

One of the delicate things that you will need to handle in your relationship with a man is when you should be the first to pick up the phone. Calling him too often is just likely to do more harm than good. There are high chances that he will not take you seriously enough, or he may get turned off completely. On the other hand, if you do not call at all, as some people will advice you, you will appear to have been taking him for a ride, that you were not really serious.

Call only when it's necessary

Although the issue of making phone calls is something that many women struggle with, the guidelines are really quite simple. Unless it is absolutely necessary for you to call, don't do it. Although this may seem rather unreasonable, it is the method that yields positive results.

Men are hunters by nature, and when you keep calling, you will usurp his role as the chaser. Since men love chasing things, even their girls, when you keep calling, he won't have any chasing left to do and he will relax. This comfort is not exactly good for the relationship as it takes out the romance, leaving just mere formalities.

If you would like to encourage your man to call you more often, don't call him. In an effort to satisfy his curiosity, he will call you up.

This method has proven very effective over the years. When you give him room to chase you, he will call. If he doesnt call at all even after this, then he is not really interested in the relationship.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How to Encourage Your Boyfriend to Call More Often

Building a relationship requires delicate balance in order for it to stay afloat. Interestingly enough, one of the things that create problems is getting so close that both of you become comfortable with the status quo. When you reach such a plateau, you will tend to take romance for granted, which will start to create friction. The first thing that will suffer is the communication between you and your boyfriend. Your boyfriend will particularly stop using the phone.

During the early stages of your relationship, your boyfriend will be more inclined to call you fairly often. At times he may call simply to say hi or to hear your voice. However, as the relationship becomes stronger, his phone calls may start to come gradually less often. As this shift starts, you may take it for granted and hence not give it any notice. After some time, the problem may develop into such proportions that your relationship may even end.

This is a situation that many women faced. This is something that puzzles many women turn themselves inside out in an effort to determine what the problem could be.

If you look at the matter closely, you will realize that each of you actually played some part in bringing about the situation. Given the different ways in which we communicate, there are possibilities that you may have taken some actions that led your boyfriend towards the path of silence even without taking any notice.

Change your method

Due to social nature, women enjoy spending lots of time talking to the men. Perhaps you saw nothing wrong with calling him every now and then. While there is really no crime in calling your boyfriend, the problem is that you will make him get used to waiting for your call.

If you would like to make him call more often, stop your calls. When he does not hear from you for some time, he will pick up the phone and call you. And he won't do it just once.

Monday, February 15, 2010

6 Top Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Hasnt Called

As women, we tend to worry a lot when our boyfriends do not call us. Where did I go wrong and messed things up? Has he been involved in some accident? Or has his phone been stolen? Oh, no. Perhaps he has gone off with another woman! These are just a few of the things that may race through your mind. However, these are rarely the reasons that make the men not to call. Let us take a look at some of the real common reasons.

1. He doesn't want to destroy a good relationship
It is in very rare occasions that you may go out with a man and enjoy your time while he does not feel the same way. If your date was really great, it is very likely that your boyfriend also enjoyed the date as well. However, perhaps he is already in another good relationship that he would like to preserve.

2. He isn't prepared for a strong commitment yet
There are times that you may date a man who just wanted to have a great time without getting the relationship to the romantic level. Such a man will not think of calling you, which would just help in enhancing the relationship.

3. He wanted to use you as a sexual tool
For many men, sex and love do not necessarily go together. You may go out with a man whose main interest was just to take you to bed, period. He felt nothing more than sexual attraction to you.

4. The outlook you gave
When you go out with a man, the things you do or say may speak volumes about you, which may not necessarily be true. If you appeared either desperate for affection or too impersonal, the man may be turned off.

5. Once bitten
You may go out with a man who had a great relationship with someone else earlier only to be disappointed later. Such a man would not rush into another relationship.

6. A matter of misplacement
There are times that the man may simply have misplaced the number you gave him.

Wait for a week or so, and then call him up - once. For more tips visit

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Your Boyfriend - How to Understand Him Better

Just by taking a casual glance, you will notice that there are notable differences between women and men. There are even more differences than meet the eye. One of the main areas that give rise to major misunderstandings is communication. This is particularly when we are building relationships with the men.

We find it very easy to air our feelings, and we would like the men to do the same. However, when you press your boyfriend to just be open and tell you that he loves you, you are taking a wrong approach. Men tend to show their love rather than say it. When you pay close attention to your boyfriend's actions, it will be fairly easy to get the message being passed across. This is a method that men sometimes use without even saying a word. You should therefore know how to get the message that he is 'telling' you through his actions.

Give me room

One of the areas creating a lot of confusion is making phone calls. If your man does not call you, he may be telling you to give him some room. When you stop your calls, he will find reason to chase after you.

I like you

During the early stages of your relationship, your boyfriend may call you fairly often, sometimes just to say hi. This is his method of letting you know that he likes your company and would like the relationship to grow.

I listen to you

Perhaps you mentioned something you like just in passing during your date. When, after some time, he surprises you with that thing, this is a clear indication that he pays close attention to you. The fact that he can recall it after a while is quite a good sign.

If he tells you things like how clumsy you are, he is really teasing you. If you were truly clumsy, he would simply ignore you. This shows that he actually likes you. If he begins to share with some of the things he did at home, such as washing, he is basically opening up to you. This is not something he is likely to tell anybody. And when he begins talking about the emptiness of the lives of his single friends, well, you should know where things are heading!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to Look Handsome

Ultimately, the secret of how to look handsome is revealed in The Handsome Factor.
Take action, download this FREE ultimate make-you-look-handsome guide here: and see your life changed for the better.

Should I Call Him?

Should I call him? A unique system to getting any man to call you. Men Inner Psychology behind the questions "Why did he stop calling?" and "What to do when a man stops calling" revealed!

If you like to know the secret to make a guy fall all over for you, simply understand the 'men psychology' that most women will never know. What's more, if you get a copy of this guide today, you will be entitled to a FREE Exclusive Private Consultation with the author, Elaine, where you can ask questions about your specific situation. Download your FREE report here:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Top Reasons Men Stop Calling

One of the things we enjoy as women is to keep in close touch with the men we are dating. Given that the men usually think differently, we often find ourselves in a tricky position. While we would like to talk to our dates nearly all the time, they usually take things to the opposite end.

Perhaps you have been in quite a good relationship for some time and the guy seemed very thoughtful. Then all over sudden he appears to withdraw from the relationship. What should you do when that wonderful man cuts off his phone calls?

You should first of all be aware of some of the common reasons that prompt men to cut their phone calls in the first place.

Review your relationship

You should look back and find out exactly where your relationship really stands. The fact that you have gone out on just a couple of dates and you think things are heading in the right direction does not necessarily mean that he is thinking in the same lines as well.

The best thing to do is to go on with your normal life. In case the man cares about you, he will call you to strengthen the relationship. If he does not call at all then he has no interest, and you should not sacrifice your life for him.

Avoid making the first call

Although it is largely said that men would like us to be more aggressive, the fact is that they would still like to be in control of the relationship. When you give the impression that you are pursuing him, he is not likely to respond positively.

However, the matter is quite different in case you have been dating for a while and then he cuts off his communications. You should think clearly about the type of action you intend to take in such a situation. There are many reasons why men wont call.

You are on test

One of the main things that make men stop calling is to try to gauge your reaction to such a move. This is one method that your man may use in order to determine your emotions, both in general and particularly how you view him.

Do not bother calling

Although there are high chances that you will feel like picking the phone and asking the man what he is up to, you should avoid taking the initiative. This may seem odd but it is the reasonable thing to do.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hot Tips To Make Him Explode With Desire For You - Nicole Gayle

Being an irresistible woman means being the kind of woman who responds to men in a way that tells them that you have options.

Imagine what it is like for women who get lots and lots of attention from men. These kinds of women are rated 10's by men. So when a man sees you and interacts with you, he will automatically put you in a category.

What category will you be in?

Crazies get labeled. Weirdos get labelled. Stalkers get labeled. Drama Queens get labeled. And you'd be surprised that it is actually women who consider themselves "normal" that get these negative labels from men based on how they respond.

Doing things like interrogating a man IF you didn't call you when he said he will will cause him to label you as insecure and put you in the "crazy" category.

But if a man doesn't call when he says he will then finally calls back and you act really mature about it, he'll see that as a sign that you are centered. He'll think you're reasonable because after all he has "such a busy life" and only got to the phone when he could.

Acting mature about a man's eventual phone call goes something like this - this is what a 10 will usually do:

She'll make him wait a little because she's not desperate and after all she was BUSY too with her CRAZY BUSY schedule being involved in her own life and not waiting around for a man to finally call her. Then when she returns his call, she'll act sweet and happy to hear from him. No interrogation whatsoever.

Act like a 10 and you will make him sweat!

To cause a raging wildfire in your man where he craves you day and night, go straight to: or

Monday, February 1, 2010

Common Mistakes of Women - Are You The One Who Often Gets In Contact With Your Boyfriend?

In any kind of relationship, there is some tacit agreement on giving and taking. When it comes to love between men and women, the same rule applies, and there are some things that we expect the men to give in return. Given that we seem to be better at communication than our male counterparts, many of us get into the habit of calling the guys every now and then.

Are you the one who always appears to initiate communication between you and your boyfriend? If this is the case, then there are a few important things you should learn.

Create a balance

In case you have been at the forefront of starting communication and you would like things to be more even, be forthright about it. Tell your man about your heart's desire. Of course it's not just a matter of blurting it out; you must know how to present it. Let the guy know that you really love to call him up. However, you also get really thrilled when you see his name on the screen of your phone. Simply state what you would desire without pointing an accusing finger at his lack of calling.

The fact that your man has not called you does not mean that he does not really care about you. The men do not usually take the issue of phone calls as seriously as we do. It is just that making a call does not tend to be at the top of their priorities.

Take it a step further

Perhaps you have tried this approach but you appear to be just hitting a brick wall, what should you do? You don't have to raise the attention of the whole neighborhood with your accusations. The most effective way to go about it is to stop calling. Period.

It may be difficult for you to do this at first, but you should discipline yourself and cut the phone calls. When you have been used to calling your guy regularly, he won't see any reason why he should call instead.

So, do not be that predictable with your calls. When he is not sure when you will call, or whether you may even call at all, he will take the initiative and call you instead.

We usually view calls and communication in general differently from the men. Use this to your advantage.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What to Do When He Doesnt Call Anymore

Although it is something that infuriates us, it is fairly common for many men to seem to forget the promises they make to call. This is something that makes many ladies undergo a lot of stress. Why is it that your boyfriend does not keep his promise to call you?

There are necessary measures that you need to take in such a situation. How you handle the matter may either make or break the relationship. You may end up making the man forget about making any calls for good. The tips mentioned here will help you to encourage your boyfriend to call once again.

Stop calling

Although many women do not realize it, they are actually the ones making their boyfriends stop calling in the first place. For example, in case you are in the habit of calling him every now and then, he will not really see any reason in calling you. Human beings and men in particular, are creatures of habit. Your boyfriend can easily get used to your calling, and will wait for it.

While many of us do not see anything wrong with making a number of calls within just one day, you should avoid calling him. At best, your boyfriend will become accustomed to this trend and won't have any motivation of calling instead. Worse is the fact that you may just push him further away by such frequent calls. You should therefore change your pattern and stop calling. When he does not get the calls he is used to, he will wonder what could be happening - and he will call.

Create an appealing effect

The truth is that both parties in a growing relationship will tend to take some actions that are meant to test their mates. This is another reason why won't men call. May be he is trying to gauge your reaction. This is a method that many men tend to use in order to determine how strongly we have gotten into our relationships with them.

When your boyfriend used to call you up and there seems to be a change of heart, you should take things easy. While you are likely to have a very strong urge to call him and ask what could be the matter, you should resist this temptation. When he finally calls, you should as well resist the temptation to fly off the handle. Interestingly, your boyfriend is likely to be more attracted in case you do not make anything major out of the issue. When the guy sees that you are not entirely in his grasp, he won't relax in his efforts to get you.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why Won't He Call?

While men tend to think of women as mysterious creatures, women too find it perplexing to understand their male counterparts. We usually find it quite difficult to determine what men are really thinking in spite of the fact that we are dating. This is due to some of the things that our dates do, which are at times rather irritating.

Many of us turn our minds upside down as we try to make sense of what our men are really up to, and why they react the way they do. Why won't he call now? One of the common things that puzzle many of us is why the men suddenly stop calling while we have been on an apparently great date. Well, the good news is that the real reasons are not quite that complicated.

Nothing to chase around

One of the inherent natures of men is their love to pursue what they are interested in. Right from childhood, you will notice that the male kids tend to chase one another relatively more than the girls. As they mature in age, their attraction shifts from their fellow boys to girls, who they will still chase around. The chasing progresses even into adulthood, except that they then usually go after women.

Men by nature love to lay their strategies such that they lure us into their nets. When they are still involved in this effort, they will go out of their way to call as frequently as deems reasonable. They don't need any major reason to call. For instance, your man may call just to tell you hi, or to let you know that he misses you.

So far, I guess you understand your man will therefore stop calling you. Once he is assured that you have completely 'fallen' for him, he won't have much motivation to call any more. That is the time when he will start forgetting some of the things that were always at the top of his mind. As these little shows of tenderness subside, so will his calling. Many men do not see why they should keep on showering you with such attention. Why won't he call now?

So, while many of us are so worried when the men we are dating stop calling, thinking that they have probably lost interest, the opposite may be the case. When your man stops calling, chances are that he is assured of the stable relationship both of you have.

When your man stops calling, do not rush into calling him instead. Let him miss you and he will start pursuing you once more.