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Saturday, September 11, 2010

How to Make Him Commit - Get Your Two-Timer for Yourself

How many men have you come across who probably dated you at one time and then suddenly vanished just to be found dating other women? The possible answer is 'many'. It is a hurtful process for any woman to realize that she was taken for a ride and then left for another better or worse ride. Is there a way to make him commit to you?

Women, as emotional as they are, would want to stick to the idea that something is still left in the relationship. The good times you two had make you want to believe that there still exists a special bond between the two of you.

If given a chance, you will probably still want to be with him. You just want to make sure that this time it is a longer and a deeper relationship. Even though you might be ready to go to any extent to be with him, there are a few things you should never forget.

Differentiate Between Relationships Commitment and Attraction

There is a lot of difference between just being attracted to a person and wanting to commit to him. You have to ask yourself if your man is ready to be involved emotionally. Evaluate your relationship with him. Maybe you are reading too much into his actions; may be you are overestimating your own feelings.

Pay attention to his actions. Is he giving out signals of disinterest and boredom? Think about it rationally… why is he dating another woman if he is truly committed to you? Dating another woman is a crystal clear indication that, at the present moment, he is not committed to you completely. You can try giving him some time but make sure that you are not wasting your own time in the process.

There are some men in this world who run away at the first sign of the word 'commitment'. For them, their 'freedom' is the only thing they want. Trying to make such men commit to you is a foolish effort on your part. Make sure that the guy you are trying to woo doesn't belong to this category.

Men are most clearly aware that they can't keep a woman with them for long unless they commit. In spite of this, they refuse to give their word. In fact, some men will purposely give up to their woman by letting her believe that something will come of the relationship (even though they have no intentions of doing so). This should prompt any self-respecting woman to back out or to take stern measures.

Women in such a situation should never get into self-loathing and pity. Rather they should start loving themselves even more by discovering their qualities and virtues. Ask yourself who you are, what your needs are and how far you are willing to go in a relationship.

Don’t think of how to get him to commit but instead let your man be busy in his affairs. This is a golden time for you to indulge in yourself and loving yourself to the hilt.

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